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Let’s Work Together

Our meditations are based on the wisdom of ancient transformational schools and latest research in the field of positive psychology. It aims at healing from within and are designed to suit the needs and lifestyle of today. For meditation classes online and workshops get in touch.

Kundalini Yoga Breathing
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Breath Work

A guided meditation focusing on Conscious breathing or 'breath awareness' by paying attention to your breath. Learn yogic breathing techniques which help in :

Pranic Healing Meditation

Guided meditation were you get grounded with the body using the technique of sensation. Slowly we move from the gross body to the energy body in this meditation. Learn to direct Prana in different parts of the body and heal your body at cellular level.

Chakra Balancing Meditation

A guided that seeks to clear blocked chakras and harness the power of these energy centers located throughout the body. When chakras are not balanced You can suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and may have anger or control issues.

Meditation Class
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Sleep Meditation

30 minutes guided meditation to move into a state of deep relaxation. Yog Nidra with Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique. It involves tensing and then relaxing your muscles, one by one. This helps you release physical tension, which may ease stress and anxiety. Research has shown that PMR offers a range of benefits, including pain relief and better sleep.

Mindfulness meditation

In this guided Mindfulness meditation you will learn to focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. Refine your form, learn new techniques, and discover a new and better you.

Violet Flame Protection Meditation

A guided meditation with visualization technique to receive the protection from violet light. The Violet Flame works by changing "vibrations". In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation - the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The Violet Flame works by changing vibrations on this level.

Our  therapies, meditation practices,  reiki courses are based on ancient wisdom from various spiritual teachings and scientific research on positive psychology.  The aim is to heal negativity, emotional blocks, anxiety, stress, trauma, which often harm physical organs leading to chronic diseases. With meditation and therapies one can develop higher consciousness, spiritual awakening and cure lifestyle related problems.


In today's life style people go through anxiety, sleep disorders, stress and depression which can be cured through meditation,  by developing consciousness, which is free from identification.


I connect provides online classes which you can easily attend from your home or parks. So you don't need to miss your classes if you are traveling or you can't go to a meditation center.


Join the best online meditation classes for mental and emotional well-being and to release past life traumas. If your are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, having anxiety or depression, then learn to meditate in the best guided meditation classes under experienced meditation coach.


The most important thing is the evolution of human consciousness and the secret of how to make lead into gold. This was known to some secret spiritual schools. In older days this knowledge was passed by Guru - shishya parampara and today with internet and online connectivity, we can use the technology for the harmonious development of mankind.


I connect promotes inner peace, joy and prosperity. It encourages its members to meet once a while for retreats and follow a complete detox for body, mind and emotions. A perfect time to come closer to ones deeper self and oneness with others.


I connect provides various online meditations and offline meditations like Mindfulness meditation, Pranic Healing meditation, Breath work, Chakra balancing meditation, Walking meditation, Tratak Meditation, catharsis meditation for emotional detox and cleaning.


I connect provides online and offline counseling and therapies like Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavior therapy for Anxiety, Stress, past life traumas, Weight loss, Eating disorder, sleep disorder, quit smoking, Performance fear, Unwanted Habits, Phobias and Fears, Low self confidence, Poor decision making, mistaken beliefs.


We also have online and in person Reiki Courses for levels 1,2,3. These are accredited Reiki courses with 20+ years of experienced teachers, comprehensive manual, certificate of completion, bonus meditation techniques and life time support and guidance.


We provide one to one sessions, group classes, workshops, retreats, online meditations and onsite meditations, meditation events, meditation workshops, retreats and therapies for individuals and corporate employees.


Challenging behaviors at work can cause stress, loss of productivity, loss of revenue, low morale, and disturb the work culture and performance of individuals and co-workers.The role of human behavior is an essential factor in work performance in any organization. Meditations classes, workshops and events are exclusively designed for  employees, managers, and leaders of organizations to manage stress and increase their skills like Self Awareness, Resilience, Positive Attitude and Self Affirmation


Contact for individual and corporate requirements.

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